Infection Prevention & Control Statement

Image of woman washing her hands

Our Leads

  • IPC Lead is Izabela Lojko – Practice Nurse
  • IPC Deputy is Rahan Miah – Deputy Manager
  • Antibiotic Lead is Rupal Parmar – Clinical Pharmacist
  • Sepsis Lead is Dr Muhammad Naqvi – GP Partner



This annual statement will be generated in April annually in accordance with the requirements of The Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of Practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance. It summarises:

  • Any infection transmission incidents and action taken
  • Details of IPC audits, audits and risk assessments undertaken and actions taken
  • Details of staff training
  • Details of IPC advice to patients
  • Details of reviewed IPC policies
  • Significant Events



All Infection Prevention and Control related policies are in date for this year. Policies relating to IPC are available to all staff online, are reviewed, and updated annually, and all are amended on an on-going basis as current advice, guidance, and legislation changes.


Significant Events

There were no significant events relating to IPC in the previous 12 months.


Staff Training

All staff have received the following training:

  • Hand hygiene – 100% compliant in correct technique in hand hygiene – all staff are aware of the importance of good hand hygiene in reducing infections.
  • PPE training – 100% compliance in the correct use of PPE
  • Cold chain – 100% compliant for all the administrative team to maintain cold chain
  • Single use of instruments – 100% compliant
  • Emergency trolley/bag awareness – 100% compliant
  • Waste management – 100% compliantAll clinical rooms are cleaned and a record is kept
  • Reception waiting areas are cleaned 2 times a day and a record is kept


IPC Audit, Audits and Risk Assessments

We conduct a monthly auditevery month. A risk assessment is carried out every month following the IPC Audit.  The last one was completed in June 2023.

Handwashing audit is completed twice a year in April. The last audit was completed in April 2023.

COSHH risk assessments are carried out annually to ensure safety data sheets are up to date and ensure low level of risk at the practice in relation to cleaning products. The last risk assessment was completed in January 2023.  

Legionella risk assessment was last completed in June 2023.



It is the responsibility of each individual to be familiar with this statement and their roles and responsibilities under this.



The next review is April 2024

The Infection Prevention and Control Lead is responsible for reviewing and producing the Annual Statement